Office Policies | Drs. Savage, Sabol & Visser Orthodontists
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Office Policies

Our Appointment Policy

Once treatment is actually underway, patients are seen on an individualized schedule according to their treatment needs. During these appointments, the doctors will be adjusting the orthodontic appliances to straighten the teeth and adjust the bite. Appointments are scheduled in a manner so that we may give the best possible service to every patient. Long procedures (bandings, bracketing, and removal of appliances) are made during mid-morning hours.

We will make every effort to schedule these appointments during easy subjects, study periods, or a lunch bell. Anytime an appointment conflicts with studies or tests, we are most happy to reschedule. Regular adjustment appointments are alternated between morning and after school hours.

It is very important for you to keep your scheduled appointments because this time has been reserved for you and frequent rescheduling will lengthen treatment time.